Gifts to the unfortunate SOON to be TORTURED soul... :Þ

From Me to You


Good day to all of you who have stepped foot
onto this miniature gift section
which is SOLELY FOR my poorpoor stalkee...

Christina sweetheart!!! This is for you!!!
*blows flying kisses*
*gets hammered to the ground for being very 'cheesy'*

Christina, dear...
*dumps loads of gifts before running off to do a BIG project*
I hope you like the page better...
Not sure what is your favourite colour,
but based on your blog, I mixed blue and purple.

I have found the fitting script
please avoid resizing the window.
Thank you for taking note.


||The Scoop||

~:February 14, 2004:~
1 package for Christina has arrived.
6 packages respectively for Andy, Aile, Hoonie, Kat, Ketsuekino And Serena has arrived.

~:February 12, 2004:~
1 package for Christina has arrived.
The other... hehehe...
NONE of you may open it on the LASTLAST day! :3

~:February 06, 2004:~
A package for Christina has arrived!
Eh... er... TWO packages!

~:February 05, 2004:~
5 packages for Christina have arrived!!!
Changed the background and theme.
Recently changed the counter.
(so fed up seeing other people's site so sweet and nice)
Finally solved the teenie weenie problem.
Currently looking for more materials and making another.

~:February 03, 2004:~
A package for Christina has arrived!!!
Did name correction... silly silly me!

~:February 02, 2004:~
A package for Christina has arrived!!!
... ... Make that TWO packages!!!

~:January 30, 2004:~
Welcome thee welcome all!
The final changes on this giftsite is now complete!
Now it is time for the (unsuspecting) stalkee
to step in and start the process hm?


||The Offerings||

...the first gift of Valentine's... ...the second gift of Valentine's... ...the third gift of Valentine's... ...the fourth gift of Valentine's... ...the fifth gift of Valentine's... ...the sixth gift of Valentine's... ...the seventh gift of Valentine's...
...the eighth gift of Valentine's... ...the nineth gift of Valentine's... ...the tenth gift of Valentine's... ...the eleventh gift of Valentine's... ...the twelth gift of Valentine's...

||The Offerings to OTHER stalkees||
For Andy! For Aile!!! For Hoonie!!! For Kat! For Ketsuekino! For Serena!


||Fellow Stalkers||

the ROOT of this CHAOS!!! comrade(stalker)-in-arms!!! Another one!!! whee!!! Another and another!!!



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Here is the banner for those who wish to join arms!
Stalk the accursed tag
if you wish to participate the horror.



To many people who knows that the tagboard decided to all the sudden cave in (stupid server), thanks for coming here and any comments, right at my own blog (will be revealed soon) or at the main of chaos.

A big thank you to all the sites that helped me make this possible! Credits have been given in all the respective pages.


All images and credited stuffs belong to their rightful owner. I own the right to put everything together.